Fiscal Responsibility
Virginia is required to have a balanced budget each year, which has saved us from the problems facing many states such as California or New Jersey. Virginia outlines a biennial budget and the General Assembly cannot adjourn from session until that budget is balanced. A balanced budget ensures that government lives within its means, and Delegate O'Quinn believes that is exactly how the state budget should work.
Additionally, Virginia is not beholden to unfunded pension liabilities like many other states. While other states are currently facing or anticipating the issue of catastrophic state pension issues, Virginia is on a solid footing.
Virginia’s budget philosophy is proven and it works. If we don’t run budget deficits, there’s absolutely no reason taxes should be raised on the hardworking citizens of Southwest Virginia. Government must live within its means, just as citizens live within their means.
Delegate O’Quinn has been proud to support budgets that not only shored-up Virginia’s rainy day fund, but also returned billions back into the pockets of Virginia taxpayers.