Public Safety

Israel understands that public safety is a broad and diverse sector in Southwest Virginia. It includes law enforcement, firefighters, EMS, Corrections workers and others. When disaster strikes, Virginia’s public safety community is on the front lines working to protect their neighbors. Israel is grateful for the many public safety professionals and the important work that they do.

As a former member of the Public Safety Committee, Israel worked with the Secretary of Public Safety, the State Police, Virginia Sheriffs, Virginia Police Chiefs, the National Guard and Fire and EMS to ensure that Virginia is doing all it can to be as safe as possible. Israel will continue as a strong working partner in the General Assembly for public safety professionals. 

Israel has also passed a number of bills and budget amendments to support public safety salaries and health benefits. This includes a measure to ensure firefighters have access to cancer screenings and treatments. He was ultimately named as the Virginia Professional Firefighters Legislator of the Year for his work.